Blaupunkt TravelPilot 55 Active
In order to update your GPS device: Blaupunkt TravelPilot 55 Active with the latest update, follow next instructions.
First of all, be sure you got the update file for your Blaupunkt TravelPilot 55 Active device, downloaded from
If still haven't got it, you can get it now filling the form you see on this page.
- Extract files from the SpeedcamUpdates zip package. If the file you have downloaded is not a ZIP file means the file is already decompressed, and you can continue with the next step of this installation instructions.
- Connect your Blaupunkt TravelPilot 55 Active gps device to the computer. Turn on your Blaupunkt TravelPilot 55 Active gps device. It appears as a flash drive into your computer.
- Go to directory ".../content/speedcam" and delete all files into the speedcam directory. Copy and paste the file SpeedCamText.txt into the speedcam directory.
- Disconnect your Blaupunkt TravelPilot 55 Active gps device from the computer. Reboot your Blaupunkt TravelPilot 55 Active gps device (use RESET key). Run the the navigation software. The information about speed cameras will be loaded into your Blaupunkt TravelPilot 55 Active gps device.
- Go outside with your Blaupunkt TravelPilot 55 Active gps device. Turn on your Blaupunkt TravelPilot 55 Active gps device and get GPS signal. Now you will be able to activate the speed camera alerts.
Remember you can customize freely your download. Get access to the customer control panel and using the customization tool in order to get a customized speedcam database according to your needs. You will need this tool if your device doesn't accept the size of the new update. You can add and remove countries speedcam data to your current setup.
Tom Chevalier - 2025-02-26
Everything ok!. I used the customer control panel for downloading my last update.
Rose Vincent - 2025-02-25
My car GPS was stuck at 50%, but I did login into the control panel and I customized my own database which solved the issue. Thanks for the support.
Alice Brun - 2025-02-24
Completely satisfied